
Method for aggregating triangular fuzzy intuitionistic fuzzy information and its application to decision making

    Xin Zhang Affiliation
    ; Peide Liu Affiliation


On the foundation of the theory of the intuitionistic fuzzy set, this paper uses the triangular fuzzy number to denote the membership degree and the non‐membership degree and proposes the triangular intuitionistic fuzzy number. Then the operation rules of triangular intuitionistic fuzzy numbers are defined. The weighted arithmetic averaging operator and the weighted geometric average operator are presented and used to the decision making area after defined the score function and the accuracy function. An effective solution is offered for multi‐attitude decision‐making problem and an active try is made.

Article in English.

Numanomų neapibrėžtųjų aibių teorija ir jos taikymas priimant sprendimus

Santrauka. Remiantis numanomų neapibrežtųjų aibių teorija, šiame straipsnyje aprašomas trečiojo laipsnio neapibrežtasis skaičius, apibūdinantis priklausomumo laipsni. Toliau nustatomos operavimo su tokiais skaičiais taisyklės. Pasiūlytas svertinis aritmetinio vidurkio operatorius, naudojamas priimant sprendimus. Siūlomi efektyvūs daugiaaspekčių problemų sprendimo būdai.

Reikšminiai žodžiai: numanomas neapibrežtasis skaičiusnumanomas trečiojo laipsnio neapibrežtasis skaičiusintegracijos operatoriussprendimu priemimas.

First published online: 09 Jun 2011

Keyword : triangular fuzzy number, triangular intuitionistic fuzzy number, integration operator, decision‐making

How to Cite
Zhang, X., & Liu, P. (2010). Method for aggregating triangular fuzzy intuitionistic fuzzy information and its application to decision making. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 16(2), 280-290.
Published in Issue
Jun 30, 2010
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