
Adoption of MIMIC model for estimation of digital shadow economy


This articles analyses a contemporary problem, which has not been thoroughly analysed in scientific literature – Estimation of Digital Shadow Economy through a modified MIMIC model. It is the first pilot research of such type, which allows to reveal the need of deeper data analysis and data collection. Received results show, that three causal factors (internet access, and PC availability for households, non-cash payments, placement of innovative financial instruments on a market) and three indicators (non-cash transfers through internet payment platforms, volume of payments in cryptocurrencies and parcels, which are tax free at the customs) are not enough in order to perform interpretations of economic results. Additionally, the data set should cover longer-term data, however the limitation appears due to relatively short existence of innovative financial products and the lack of information accumulation about necessary data in statistical databases.

Keyword : digital shadow economy, MIMIC model

How to Cite
Gasparėnienė, L., Remeikienė, R., Ginevičius, R., & Schieg, M. (2018). Adoption of MIMIC model for estimation of digital shadow economy. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(4), 1453-1465.
Published in Issue
Aug 14, 2018
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