
The innovation process in local development – the material, institutional, and intellectual infrastructure shaping and shaped by innovation

    Magdalena Gorzelany-Dziadkowiec   Affiliation
    ; Julia Gorzelany   Affiliation
    ; Gintaras Stauskis   Affiliation
    ; Józef Hernik   Affiliation
    ; Kristof Van Assche   Affiliation
    ; Tomasz Noszczyk   Affiliation


The purpose of the article is to define the material, institutional, and intellectual infrastructure of a region and identify the innovative processes that determine its creation. Our main research hypothesis is that the processes that influence the creation of a region’s infrastructure determine a region’s competitiveness as well. To verify these premises, we conducted a study among the residents and employees of a municipality. The research employed deductive and inductive methods and a qualitative analysis was performed. Pearson’s linear correlation coefficient and factor analysis (inference based on the modal and median values) were used in the study. The research verified the hypothesis that innovative processes influence the creation of a region’s infrastructure and that innovative processes in the studied region exhibit low dynamics, which is caused by financial and psychosocial barriers. The important role of social leaders in municipalities was identified as well, above all as regards building civic society and social activity. The added value of the article is threefold: the developed model of infrastructure construction in the material, institutional, and intellectual dimensions of a region; recommendations for the investigated municipality; and a structured questionnaire that, together with the model, can be used for research in municipalities.

Keyword : regional development, regional competitiveness, material infrastructure, institutional infrastructure, intellectual infrastructure, entrepreneurship behavior, municipal management, model of infrastructure construction

How to Cite
Gorzelany-Dziadkowiec, M., Gorzelany, J., Stauskis, G., Hernik, J., Van Assche, K., & Noszczyk, T. (2019). The innovation process in local development – the material, institutional, and intellectual infrastructure shaping and shaped by innovation. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 25(6), 1232-1258.
Published in Issue
Oct 4, 2019
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