
On incomplete factorization implicit technique for 2D elliptic FD equations

    Vladimir Sabinin Affiliation


A new variant of Incomplete Factorization Implicit (IFI) iterative technique for 2D elliptic finite-difference (FD) equations is suggested which is differed by applying the matrix tridiagonal algorithm. Its iteration parameter is shown be linked with the one for Alternating Direction Implicit method. An effective set of values for the parameter is suggested. A procedure for enhancing the set of iteration parameters for IFI is proposed. The technique is applied to a 5-point FD scheme, and to a 9-point FD scheme. It is suggested applying the solver for 5-point scheme to solving boundary-value problems for the 9-point scheme, too. The results of numerical experiment with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary-value problems for Poisson equation in a rectangle, and in a quasi-circle are presented. Mixed boundary-value problems in square are considered, too. The effectiveness of IFI is high, and weakly depends on the type of boundary conditions.

Keyword : incomplete factorization, iterative technique, elliptic equations

How to Cite
Sabinin, V. (2020). On incomplete factorization implicit technique for 2D elliptic FD equations. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 25(1), 37-52.
Published in Issue
Jan 13, 2020
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