
On discrete-time models of network worm propagation generated by quadratic operators

    Fatima Adilova Affiliation
    ; Uygun Jamilov   Affiliation
    ; Andrejs Reinfelds Affiliation


In this paper we consider the discrete-time dynamical systems generated by network worm propagation models based on the theory of quadratic stochastic operators(QSO). This approach simultaneously solves two important problems: exploring of the QSO trajectory‘s behavior, we described the set of limit points, thereby completely solved the main problem of dynamical systems (i), we showed a new application of the theory QSOs in worm propagation modelling (ii). We demonstrated that proposed discrete-time biologically-inspired model represents also realistic picture of the worm propagation process and such analytical models can be used in decision of some problems of computer networks.

Keyword : network worms, propagation dynamics, modeling, quadratic stochastic operator, regular operator

How to Cite
Adilova, F., Jamilov, U., & Reinfelds, A. (2023). On discrete-time models of network worm propagation generated by quadratic operators. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 28(2), 194–217.
Published in Issue
Mar 21, 2023
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