
Joint discrete approximation of analytic functions by Hurwitz zeta-functions

    Aidas Balčiūnas   Affiliation
    ; Virginija Garbaliauskienė   Affiliation
    ; Violeta Lukšienė   Affiliation
    ; Renata Macaitienė   Affiliation
    ; Audronė Rimkevičienė Affiliation


Let H(D) be the space of analytic functions on the strip . In this paper, it is proved that there exists a closed non-empty set such that every collection of the functions is approximated by discrete shifts , of Hurwitz zeta-functions with arbitrary parameters

Keyword : Hurwitz zeta-function, space of analytic functions, weak convergence, universality

How to Cite
Balčiūnas, A., Garbaliauskienė, V., Lukšienė, V., Macaitienė, R., & Rimkevičienė, A. (2022). Joint discrete approximation of analytic functions by Hurwitz zeta-functions. Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 27(1), 88–100.
Published in Issue
Feb 7, 2022
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