A group decision-making model for wastewater treatment plans selection based on intuitionistic fuzzy sets
As the need for environmental protection and resource sustainability has increased in recent times, wastewater treatment has become increasingly important. In this paper, a group decision-making model for plans selection in wastewater treatment is proposed. In order to deal with uncertainties and multiple attributes in wastewater treatment, an intuitionistic fuzzy set is employed to evaluate wastewater treatment plans effectively. A distance measure is defined to obtain an objective weight measuring the expert’s judgment. More specifically, experts first use group decision-making on the various plans with an intuitionistic fuzzy set. Meanwhile, Due to the decision-makers psychological behavior, the prospect theory is applied. Next, the various plans are ranked by The Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method and prospect theory. Finally, an illustrative example of wastewater treatment plans selection is used to verify the proposed model.
Keyword : wastewater treatment plans selection, group decision-making, intuitionistic fuzzy set, TOPSIS, prospect theory

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