
Land use optimization using the fuzzy mathematical-spatial approach: a case study of Chelgerd watershed, Iran

    Moslem Heydari Affiliation
    ; Afshin Honarbakhsh Affiliation
    ; Mahdi Pajoohesh Affiliation
    ; Maryam Zangiabadi Affiliation


In recent years, inappropriate land use, urban and industrial development along with different pollutions emanating from it gives rise to loss of natural resources and further leads to destructive floods, soil erosion, sedimentation and other various environmental, economic and social damages. Thus, management and planning are essential for the proper utilization, protection and revival of these resources. This study aimed to develop a mathematical-spatial optimum utilization model using FGP – MOLA in watershed including environmental and economic objectives while considering social issues. The results showed that the proposed model can lead to economic growth to 37% and decreasing the environmental damages to 2.4%. Under optimized condition, the area allocated to dry farming lands will decrease about 12% and gardens will increase about 423% and the other land uses remain unchanged too. In addition to, the results demonstrated the usefulness and efficiency of the proposed fuzzy model due to its flexibility and capability to simultaneously provide both optimum values and location of production resources.

Keyword : water, land, environment, utilization, management, optimization model

How to Cite
Heydari, M., Honarbakhsh, A., Pajoohesh, M., & Zangiabadi, M. (2018). Land use optimization using the fuzzy mathematical-spatial approach: a case study of Chelgerd watershed, Iran. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 26(2), 75-87.
Published in Issue
Jun 25, 2018
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