
Multi-objective symbiotic organisms optimization for making time-cost tradeoffs in repetitive project scheduling problem

    Duc-Hoc Tran Affiliation
    ; Jui-Sheng Chou Affiliation
    ; Duc-Long Luong Affiliation


Time-cost problems that arise in repetitive construction projects are commonly encountered in project scheduling. Numerous time-cost trade-off approaches, such as mathematical, metaheuristic, and evolutionary methods, have been extensively studied in the construction community. Currently, the scheduling of a repetitive project is conducted using the traditional precedence diagramming method (PDM), which has two fundamental limitations: (1) progress is assumed to be linear from start to finish; and (2) activities in the schedule are connected each other only at the end points. This paper proposes a scheduling method that allows the use of continuous precedence relationships and piece-wise linear and nonlinear activity-time-production functions that are described by the use of singularity functions. This work further develops an adaptive multiple objective symbiotic organisms search (AMOSOS) algorithm that modifies benefit factors in the basic SOS to balance exploration and exploitation processes. Two case studies of its application are analyzed to validate the scheduling method, as well as to demonstrate the capabilities of AMOSOS in generating solutions that optimally trade-off minimizing project time with minimizing the cost of non-unit repetitive projects. The results thus obtained indicate that the proposed model is feasible and effective relative to the basic SOS algorithm and other state-of-the-art algorithms.

Keyword : scheduling, singularity functions, time-cost trade-offs, repetitive project, multiple objective, optimization

How to Cite
Tran, D.-H., Chou, J.-S., & Luong, D.-L. (2019). Multi-objective symbiotic organisms optimization for making time-cost tradeoffs in repetitive project scheduling problem. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 25(4), 322-339.
Published in Issue
Apr 3, 2019
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