
Modelling inter-relationships of barriers to smart construction implementation

    Beiyu You Affiliation
    ; Zhengyi Chen Affiliation
    ; Yulu Xue Affiliation
    ; Yanbo Zhang Affiliation
    ; Keyu Chen Affiliation


Smart construction technology offers fresh avenues for advancing the field of civil engineering. It seamlessly integrates across the entire life cycle of civil engineering projects, encompassing planning, design, construction, and maintenance, thereby fundamentally reshaping the landscape of civil engineering development. Nonetheless, it is essential to recognize that, presently, smart construction’s developmental stage remains relatively nascent. Its progression is subject to a myriad of adoption barriers, and the complex dynamics of their interactions remain insufficiently understood. Therefore, this study aims to (1) explore the barriers to the adoption of smart construction; (2) analyze the impact level of each barrier; and the interaction mechanism between the barriers (3) propose effective strategies to promote the development of smart construction. This study commences by identifying 16 major impediments to the adoption of smart construction through a comprehensive synthesis of existing literature and expert interviews. Subsequently, Euclidean similarity analysis is employed to harmonize varying expert assessments. Following this, the Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory model is utilized to ascertain the degree of influence associated with each barrier. Further, the Interpretive Structural Model is employed to establish a hierarchical framework that illuminates the interdependencies among these barriers. Additionally, the Matrice d’Impacts Croisés Multiplication Appliqués à un Classement method is invoked to elucidate the roles and statuses of each barrier. Finally, strategies are proposed based on the results of the analysis. This study offers practical strategies for overcoming barriers and driving the adoption of smart construction, filling a critical gap in understanding by identifying key barriers and providing actionable insights, thus significantly advancing the field and empowering stakeholders for successful implementation and dissemination.

Keyword : adoption barriers, decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory model, inner mechanisms, interpretive structural model: smart construction

How to Cite
You, B., Chen, Z., Xue, Y., Zhang, Y., & Chen, K. (2024). Modelling inter-relationships of barriers to smart construction implementation. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 30(8), 738–757.
Published in Issue
Oct 15, 2024
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