
Comparative analysis on international construction and demolition waste management policies and laws for policy makers in China

    Mingxue Ma Affiliation
    ; Vivian Wy Tam Affiliation
    ; Khoa N Le Affiliation
    ; Anthony Butera Affiliation
    ; Wengui Li Affiliation
    ; Xiangyu Wang Affiliation


In the current age of enhanced environmental awareness, transformation to sustainable management in the construction sector is needed. China currently produces the largest amount of construction and demolition (C&D) waste around the world, but the average recovery rate of the waste was only about 5% in 2017. In order to investigate problems in current C&D waste management in China, a cross-national comparative analysis is conducted among China and seven selected countries (Japan, South Korea, Germany, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom), to compare legal texts of national policies and laws which relate to C&D waste management and are currently being used. Through the comparison, problems in management of C&D waste in China are investigated. The problems could be concluded to: (a) inadequate guidance on recycling, (b) lack of market incentives in utilising recycled materials, (c) incomplete knowledge of stakeholders’ responsibilities, (d) lack of penalty for other stakeholders, and (e) inefficient supervision system. By understanding these problems, this paper further provides recommendations to enhance the performance of C&D waste management in China.

Keyword : construction and demolition waste, waste management, comparative analysis, China

How to Cite
Ma, M., Wy Tam, V., N Le, K., Butera, A., Li, W., & Wang, X. (2023). Comparative analysis on international construction and demolition waste management policies and laws for policy makers in China. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 29(2), 107–130.
Published in Issue
Jan 23, 2023
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