
Modelling of time, cost and risk of construction with using fuzzy logic


The paper presents an overview of the literature from recent years devoted to planning the time, costs and risk of a construction investment using fuzzy logic. It also presents three own original models concerning the issue. The first model is used to build a fuzzy construction schedule taking into account fuzzy norms and the number of workers. The costing model uses fuzzy inference from CBR cases. The aim was to increase the accuracy and correctness of the cost calculation performed for the investor in the construction and investment process with a certain degree of vagueness of the available information about materials. In the last of the presented models, fuzzy sets were used to assess the effects of technological and construction (implementation) risk factors. The presented examples prove the usefulness of fuzzy logic in solving problems in construction, where we have incomplete and imprecise information.

Keyword : cost, time, risk, construction, fuzzy set, case based reasoning

How to Cite
Plebankiewicz, E., Zima, K., & Wieczorek, D. (2021). Modelling of time, cost and risk of construction with using fuzzy logic. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management, 27(6), 412-426.
Published in Issue
Jul 15, 2021
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