
Assessment of the development of foreign trade in high-tech production of Ukraine under the association with the EU

    Igor Matyushenko   Affiliation
    ; Serhii Hlibko   Affiliation
    ; Mariana Mateeva Petrova   Affiliation
    ; Maryna Serhiivna Pasmor   Affiliation
    ; Maryna Loktionova   Affiliation


Purpose – the purpose of article should assess the main factors affecting the development of trade in high-tech products of Ukraine in the context of association with the EU and the spread of a new industrial revolution.

Research methodology – the scheme of research of trade of high-tech products of Ukraine from the EU on the basis of qualitative and quantitative economic-statistical analysis, analysis of comparative advantages and correlation-regression analysis.

Findings – the results of the analysis show that the main factors determining the low presence of Ukraine in the world market of high-tech products are the outdated structure of production, a low level of R&D costs, and a decrease in the innovative activity of Ukrainian enterprises. The article presents the author’s recommendations on improving the effectiveness of foreign trade in high-tech products of Ukraine in the EU market.

Research limitations – the absence of a state development strategy for the production of hightech products does not make it possible to accurately determine indicators of scientific research of the potential of Ukraine.

Practical implications – correlation-regression analysis results can be used in the private and state sectors of the economy of Ukraine.

Originality/Value – the original combination of schemes and methods allowed us to identify new critical places for export development in the context of the association of Ukraine with the EU.

Keyword : high-tech products, export-import, comparative advantages of export, EU-Ukraine association

How to Cite
Matyushenko, I., Hlibko, S., Petrova, M. M., Pasmor, M. S., & Loktionova, M. (2020). Assessment of the development of foreign trade in high-tech production of Ukraine under the association with the EU. Business, Management and Economics Engineering, 18(1), 157-182.
Published in Issue
May 29, 2020
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