
Integral adaptive autopilot for an unmanned aerial vehicle

    Volodymyr Gritsenko Affiliation
    ; Oleksandr Volkov Affiliation
    ; Mykola Komar Affiliation
    ; Dmytro Voloshenyuk Affiliation


The aim of research is to study the modern algorithms used in autopilots of unmanned aerial vehicles and formulation of the problem of development and usage of new intellectual methods for automatic control systems. The approach considered in the article is based on the theory of high-precision remote control of dynamic objects and on the complex interaction of methods of theory of invariance, adaptive control and intellectualization of processes of UAV control. One of the features of the proposed method of intellectual control for unmanned aerial vehicle autopilot is the procedure of transforming a multi-dimensional system into an aggregate of virtual autonomous processes, for each of which the control algorithm is easily generated by an autonomous subsystem. Coming up next is the procedure of coordination of actions of all the autonomous systems into single functioning complex. This provides an opportunity to improved precision and sustainability of control. Using the method described in the article allows creating integral and adaptive autopilots to perform complicated spatial maneuvering an unmanned aerial vehicle being based on usage of full non-linear models without simplifications and linearization.

Keyword : unmanned aerial vehicle, control system, invariance, virtual control, autopilot, method, adaptation

How to Cite
Gritsenko, V., Volkov, O., Komar, M., & Voloshenyuk, D. (2018). Integral adaptive autopilot for an unmanned aerial vehicle. Aviation, 22(4), 129-135.
Published in Issue
Dec 7, 2018
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