Exploring the possibilities of using bio-additives in military aviation fuels
Analyzing the research directions of leading aviation companies, it is evident that biocomponents will soon become a very important addition to the fuel used in turbine aircraft engines. Similarly, intensive efforts are underway to implement this type of solution in the armed forces. Here, the situation is more complex. All military fuels are intended for long-term storage, and bio-additives significantly alter the properties of fuels during this specific storage process. These changes invariably result in the deterioration of fuel quality parameters. The article presents an analysis and conclusions related to biocomponents as additives to F-35 fuel (NATO code-the military equivalent of Jet A-1 fuel). F-35 aviation fuel mixtures with the addition of biocomponents (HVO-Hydrorefined Vegetable Oil) at concentrations of 0–20% (V/V) were independently composed and stored for extended periods (0–6 months). The disadvantages and potential problems of this solution are discussed. The research has demonstrated that using biocomponents in the mixtures significantly alters the course of the distillation curve and increases the fuel’s electrical conductivity. Another adverse effect observed was a significant deterioration in the fuel’s low-temperature properties. The research indicates that using a bio-additive like HVO in F-35 fuel will require addressing many challenges. At the level of laboratory tests, it is to determine the limit value of the share of a biocomponent in a mixture at which the normative values are not yet violated and to confirm or rule out whether the mixtures are suitable for long-term storage.
Keyword : F-35 fuel, HVO, laboratory tests, long-term storage, turbine aircraft engines, NATO, army

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