Vol 18 No 2 (2012)

Published: 2012-04-02


Process and quality improvement using six sigma in construction industry

Megan Florent Tchidi, Zhen He, Yan Bo Li
Abstract 1282 | PDF Downloads 3089 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/13923730.2012.657411

Page 158-172

Utilizing random performance records in the best value model

Ahmed Hussien Elyamany, Magdy Abdelrahman, Tarek Zayed
Abstract 458 | PDF Downloads 375 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/13923730.2012.671279

Page 197-208

Indonesian construction supply chains cost structure and factors: a case study of two projects

Muhamad Abduh, Biemo W. Soemardi, Reini D. Wirahadikusumah
Abstract 777 | PDF Downloads 1089 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/13923730.2012.671259

Page 209-216

Benchmarking project level engineering productivity

Pin-Chao Liao, Stephen R. Thomas, William J. O’Brien, Jiukun Dai, Stephen P. Mulva, Inho Kim
Abstract 845 | PDF Downloads 1239 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/13923730.2012.671284

Page 235-244

Numerical simulation of railway track supporting system using finite-infinite and thin layer elements under impulsive loads

Jamaloddin Noorzaei, Parviz Moradi Pour, Mohamed Saleh Jaafar, Yong Chooi Fong, Waleed Abdul-Malik Thanoon
Abstract 527 | PDF Downloads 521 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/13923730.2012.671286

Page 245-252

A new synthesis method of structural, technological and safety decisions (SyMAD-3)

Ruta Simanaviciene, Rita Liaudanskiene, Leonas Ustinovichius
Abstract 511 | PDF Downloads 372 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/13923730.2012.666504

Page 265-276

Comparison of testing results of three poorly streamlined entertainment venues

Roman M. Pavlovsky, Igor M. Lebedich, Michail Samofalov, Valerij V. Orliansky
Abstract 430 | PDF Downloads 296 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/13923730.2012.672455

Page 277-289

Reliability, risk management, and contingency of construction processes and projects

Zenonas Turskis, Marcin Gajzler, Agnieszka Dziadosz
Abstract 1057 | PDF Downloads 1151 | DOI https://doi.org/10.3846/13923730.2012.672931

Page 290-298